Thursday, February 14, 2013

How Long to Plan for Makeup and/or Hair Services on your Wedding Day

Your wedding is a big event already, you want to ensure your day is Fun and Relaxed. Having mobile Beauty services come to you, along with all your friends/family at your side is just another enjoyable part of it all.

Remember, the very first portion of the day, starts with your Hair and Make-up and getting ready.
Booking MOBILE Services, is considered a Convenience and Luxury service, with your hired providers packing up and carting often suitcases worth of equipment, directly to you, in the comfort of your home, hotel, venue, at anytime of day. There is no traveling around to and from places. With that, services are in very high demand, with most mobile beauty service providers generally booking about 1 year in advance.

Your Photos for the entire day start on the basics of your morning, with Hair and Makeup.
Remember that you are the CENTER of every image being taken throughout the entire day!
A fancy dress and expensive photographer will only take you so far, if you look liked you skimped on your beauty work, with faded makeup, frizzy hair and if you aren’t camera ready.

We often get asked “How long does it all take?”

Well, that depends on a number of areas of the services being done. Each bridal party will differ as per the number of people for services and the elaborateness of each service being done that day.
A good game plan for the morning helps keep everything flowing smoothly and relaxed, no rushing around or running late at the end.

First and foremost, the most important part is your LEAVING BY TIME

Regardless of services done, how many People etc. EVERYTHING for your entire morning is based and scheduled around this time! Customized per each bridal party and their direct needs to ensure everyone is ready to go by this time.

Generally speaking you want to allow for approx. 20-45 minutes, per person, per service. The Bride about 45 minutes to 1 hour as you are the most important and often there may be a few extra details for you being done. Be sure to check with your beauty providers though, as some may take longer, where as more seasoned professionals, may take a bit less time!
Now a days, majority of Bridal clients book both mobile Hair and Make-up services. Either as a team, or via separate provider, having their main Stylist come out to them, and so forth. This not only is far more efficient but also a lot more organized for the day of….especially with groups of 4 or more anyways.

This leaves the Bride and entire bridal party free to relax, receive services as the morning passes, while one is in hair, another is in Make-up and still allows enough time for others and yourself to eat, get dressed, take pictures and so forth… there’s no traveling around to and from places. Everyone is free to sit and relax throughout the morning or afternoon.

Secondly, once you have your “leave by time” you want to backtrack about 30 minutes to 1 hour from this. THIS Now becomes the time you want everyone 100% completed by! This last hour is now reserved for a few things…

For those that plan to have a photographer present, they will often arrive about 30 minutes to 1 hour beforehand, This is where they will take images of your final Make-up/Hair moments for everyone, and your Veil pinning. They will also start with your detail shots of your jewelry, rings, shoes, etc. before you put everything on.

This last hour before you leave, is now reserved for You and your bridal parties dressing time. Time for pictures and gathering last minute stuff together before your limo arrives or you need to leave. This extra timeline is key, as to not cause that last bit of time turning into a chaotic mess of everyone running about, scrambling for last minute things, rushed dressing and more.

This time table is universal to most weddings, again all set around each client’s leave by time.
Once your trial is completed, your artists will then have a better idea on how much time is then needed to complete your look as well as your bridal party. They will then fine tune it from there and set you up with your Start and End times.

One last thought….if you’ve hired yourself a seasoned professional makeup artist and hair stylist (or a team of them) trust they know how long your services will take. This is what they do! Don’t assume you know better and try and outsmart them by adjusting the timelines – 9 times out of 10 is always ends in chaos! Trust they have your best interest at heart.

Yes, some mornings might be early start times as well, you are not alone in this, and many brides end up accommodating this due to their timelines, that’s just a fact. It’s one day, and sometimes in order to accommodate services and/or large group it might be necessary. Don’t let this be a cause for concern, make the best of it and Pre-plan out the night before, if you know you will require an earlier morning start time.

Remember Your wedding day is a once of a lifetime experience, don’t cause it to be rushed or filled with un-necessary chaos and stress by un-thought out planning.

Thank you to Felicia Bromba of the Vancouver Bridal Hub for this excellent article!!

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