The wedding date is set, are you planning to rock out that tattoo you have or cover it up?
Though it’s not a request we see a lot of anymore, covering them can still be done.
However, now a days, we see more brides that are wearing them proudly and even going as far as getting new services such as “tattoo bling” and “color brightening services” done via make-up techniques (Yes, all these services are available from us!)…I mean what was the point of getting something permanent if you are going to cover it up? Wear it proud and spruce up that dull looking tattoo. Why not re-vitalize it for the Big day?
Never the less, majority of our tattooed brides that we have had through over the years, do like to make one main a point, that majority of the times their friends/family know about the tattoo(s) anyways and it’s a part of who they are!
So today I wanted to discuss the reality of covering your tattoo up for your Big Day.
First thing to know is that Covering tattoos can be very time consuming! It is not just a quick 10 minute, slap-some-foundation-over-it type of thing. It is also a fairly costly service. It takes a lot of products(s) in order to cover them and sometimes hours worth of time and a ton of patience.
You will also want to allot even more time for “getting ready services” on the day of to accommodate, pushing back your service times a fair bit more.
It will, in most cases, be virtually undetectable in photos and to those who may not know of it/looking for it. But, depending on the tattoo, in some cases, can and will still be somewhat noticeable if up close.
Often it can take several layers to cover a tattoo. So this needs to be considered, especially in the case of those tattoo’s that may be in contact with attire and in risk of direct rubbing throughout your day. Though it is finished off with a sealer, there are still many factors that can hinder a cover and/or cause it to breakdown, regardless of Items used.
Numerous factoring agents can affect the application and it’s wear-ability including such things as; Selective color schemes of tattooed area, High movement areas and clothing interruptions, food and/or alcoholic beverages consumed, Heat and humidity, sweating, and general skin acceptance of products used.
As you see listed, alcohol consumption is listed, yes, drinking and Tattoo covers aren’t the best mix!
Allow me to explain this a bit better…
The consumption of alcohol in the days even preceding the event can and will often still have a negative effect on the lasting ability of the cover up being done for you that day. Your body releases alcohol through the skin which can react with the products being used and cause the makeup to disappear or break down much sooner.
Alcohol should be avoided if at all possible or at least limited as it will also cause issues with your beauty makeup done as well!
Another thing to understand is that sometimes certain prescription drugs in someone’s system may also effect the covering that is about to be done.
Your professional artist will be able to determine your best overall options if this is a service you may be considering.
After weighing your options, a secondary alternative is speaking with your photographer directly regarding your concerns. This is something we’ve seen of many clients, whose tattoos may not be practical to cover.
In many cases, or for smaller tattoos, they can easily and quickly remove your tattoos in a post-editing program from your final chosen images you select out. Again, your photographer will likely charge you an extra fee for this services and images might take a bit longer for return, but this is a happy medium and alternative for many clients. Thus giving the illusion of “no tattoo” in all your final images where it may appear.
So talk to your professional artist and photographer about your concerns, it’s often they can happily find you a solution to all your tattoo needs and any concerns!
Thank you to Felicia Bromba of Vancouver BC for the information posted above.
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